Joana Rocha
on March 7, 2024
Matter: the white conferences
Iván Bravo
Iván Bravo
7 março 2024, 18:30
FAUP, Auditório Fernando Távora
O arquiteto Iván Bravo, do atelier chileno com o mesmo nome, vai apresentar a conferência “OBRA/OBRA” no âmbito do Ciclo “Matéria: conferências brancas [Matter: the white conferences], com o apoio da Jofebar / panoramah!.
FAUP, Auditório Fernando Távora
A conferência será proferida em espanhol
Iván Bravo será apresentado pelo arquiteto Nuno Melo Sousa.
O arquiteto Iván Bravo, do atelier chileno com o mesmo nome, vai apresentar a conferência “OBRA/OBRA” no âmbito do Ciclo “Matéria: conferências brancas [Matter: the white conferences], com o apoio da Jofebar / panoramah!.
Sinopse da conferência
Sob o título “OBRA/OBRA”, Iván Bravo refletirá sobre a identidade da prática do atelier, enquanto apresenta um conjunto de obras recentes, associadas ao tema do habitar, de diferentes escalas, do processo de projeto ao resultado construído.
Nas palavras do atelier
“When faced with the classic question of how to define our studio, we have never really felt comfortable with grouping architecture, art, design and construction into a single answer. The obligatory distinction made when listing these four words does not account for the way we move between them, and establishes a hierarchy that in practice is continuously flowing.
Some years ago we stopped to think about a subtle semantic curiosity in the Spanish language that graphs very well how we understood our practice. The word obra, rooted in the concept of work or labour, is used in almost all its idiomatic variants to refer to an artistic work. Be it pictorial, musical, literary or architectural as well, it means the realisation of a creative process carried out by an artist.
Spanish is no exception, but this meaning coexists with the more common meaning of “building under construction”. And on the contrary, the projects realised by an architect are rarely called “obra”, but rather by the programme to which they respond: house, cabin, building. It could be said that, unlike other creative disciplines that are consecrated when they are realised as artworks, architecture is an obra, in its artistic sense, while is understood as an artefact under construction, an alive mechanism made of raw materials and ruled solely by structural constraints and building techniques”.
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